Cleos Company
The Company's name Cleos Company
Phone First +963 953480053
Mobile First +963 953480053
City Damascus
Title Syria - Damascus - Mezzeh Sheikh - Saad, Buildings 14 - The first building, entrance to Afamea, 1st floor.
Specialization Consulting and training
About company
Cleos Consulting and Training Company Limited
Kleos Consulting and Training
We participated in capacity building - we started in 2022 and are continuing.
Company services:
-Administrative and technical consulting for companies.
-Administrative, technical and marketing consultations for pioneering and micro-projects.
-Project study and evaluation services for associations and organizations.
Directed to develop the capabilities and skills of young people in the field of self-employment, entrepreneurship and humanitarian work.
To be able to find suitable job opportunities in various sectors.
  Targeted training for companies and agencies to develop the skills of their employees.
-Halls equipped with training materials to benefit from in training.
Study halls for students, social halls for agencies and bodies, work groups such as graduation projects.
-The possibility of agreeing and contracting with trainers who wish to provide training to build capacity.
Training certificates:
Passing and attendance certificates that can be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Partners with vocational training centers.
Accredited certificates.
Address: Syria - Damascus - Mezzeh Sheikh - Saad, Buildings 14 - First Building, Afamea Entrance, 1st floor.
Mobile: 0953480053

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