United Mountain Group
The Company's name United Mountain Group
Phone First +963 11 2129955
Mobile First +963 958558855
Fax First +963 11 2125544
City Damascus
Title Syria Damascus Kafr Sousse - Damascino Mall - Office Building - Souk Plaza - Office 95
Specialization كافة الأجهزة والمستلزمات الطبية والمختبرية والمواد الجراحية والمواد العامة
About company
The business is based on a vision for the future and we are our mission in the medical field to provide all medical equipment and laboratory supplies
Surgical and general materials (medical consumables - medical supplies) in order to contribute to the development of the health sector in the region to work
To build a strong and prosperous future in this field of our diverse products:
Disposable Medical Clothing - Beard Cover - Lab Coat Full Covered Dress - Surgical Robe - Dust Mask - Hair Net - Head Protective Shoe Protection -
Protective clothing for the patient or visitor - coats tests

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