Nassif Zeitoun on his 31st birthday: a stardom filled the Arab world

September 25th was the 31st birthday of Syrian singer and star Nassif Zeitoun. He was born in 1988.
Nassif is currently one of the most famous and popular singers throughout the Arab world, while his current year has witnessed very great successes both in the festivals which participated in the forefront, "Carthage", which held two concerts and not one as usual in the concerts of this festival as a result of great public pressure to attend his first concert except Concerts in Syria, Lebanon, Erbil and others have all been very popular.
Nassif surprised his audience this year by launching the clip of the song "Farqouni" in conjunction with his birthday while he had a successful concert in the city of Erbil.
Nassif this year and after the release of his first song in the Iraqi dialect "Farqouni", to top the list of the most watched songs on YouTube Iraq, and the top of the list "Trending", as well as the list of the best Iraqi songs through the application of Anghami.
It is arguably the year of Nassif Zeitoun, where he managed to surpass the one billion view through his official channel on YouTube.
Nassif released this year an album from which he has so far released songs "Farqouni" and a group of songs, "Ma Bazn, a crisis of confidence, Tikka, every day I love you, I am with you, and you got news, peaceful."
On the family level, Nassif's family was happy this year after celebrating the marriage of his brother Anas a few days ago in the presence of Nassif, who expressed his great happiness on this occasion.
On the dramatic level, Nassif recorded a remarkable presence in the seasons of 2018 and 2019 by attending the series “Al-Haiba”, which was a great success in addition to his presence against Syrian star Tim Hassan in the second part of the work, entitled 'Return'.

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