Preparation of a new health insurance project that provides appropriate care for workers in the country

In a report issued after the completion of its work, the Committee for the Re-examination of Health Insurance has recommended the necessity of preparing a health insurance project that provides appropriate health care for workers in the country, finding and identifying independent sources of funding and forming a unified national database for the health insurance system.
In a statement to the economic newsletter SANA, Iyad Zahra, Director General of the Syrian General Organization for Insurance, said that the committee called for supporting medical decision-making through the electronic medical record of the insurers, while spreading the culture of insurance awareness to reach creating a sophisticated medical investment environment.
The committee requested that the executive mechanisms for the initial health insurance project be set up within 45 days from the date of the meeting with the Economic Policy and Programs Development Committee at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
With regard to the control of the work of medical expenses management companies Zahraa explained that these companies are licensed by the Board of Directors of the Insurance Supervisory Authority and currently 8 companies and subject to scrutiny and control of its work by the Supervisory Authority, as well as follow-up by any insurance company working with medical expenses management companies .
Regarding the mechanism of handling citizens' complaints regarding health insurance services, Zahra pointed out that there are many authorities authorized to receive and handle these complaints, such as the insurance institution, medical expenses management companies, the Ministry of Health and medical unions, all of which can help the insured to access the service stipulated in the contract.
He pointed out the need to differentiate between health insurance and health insurance as the insurance is based on a specific insurance premium and represents specific medical coverage commensurate with the premium paid by the insured.
As for the lack of benefit from some health insurance among Zahra, it is natural that the young age of the insured does not need insurance as it is in the elderly, but the collective insurance is based on a low premium includes all ages, explaining that the insurance company has the right to raise and double the premium for times He pointed out that the idea of ​​insurance is based on the law of large numbers in return for a logical premium and the formation of a portfolio to handle spending based on the actual need of the beneficiaries.
Source: Tishreen Newspaper

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